Other Charges and Services

Other Services and Charges – Town of Beverly, WV
Water, Sewer, and Billing
RETURNED CHECK CHARGE:A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the Town, or a minimum of $15.00, will be imposed upon any customer whose check for payment of charges is returned by their bank as a result of nonpayment.
DELAYED PAYMENT PENALTY:All accounts not paid in full when due will have added to the net amount shown on the bill a delayed payment penalty of 10%. This is not interest. The delayed payment penalty is to be collected only once for each bill, as appropriate.
WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION (TAP) FEES (Payable in Advance):½”, 5/8”, and 3/4” meters: $600.00All meters 1” and over: Actual cost based on time and materials
WATER AND SEWER RECONNECTION FEE: $25When service has been disconnected for nonpayment, violation of rules and regulations by the customer, or at the customer’s request, a reconnection fee of $25.00 will apply for reconnection of the tap.
FIRE HYDRANT RENTAL: $200.00 per year (Payable in Advance)This fee is applicable to private and commercial properties only. The Town of Beverly and Beverly Volunteer Fire Department fire hydrants are exempt.
WATER AND SEWER SECURITY DEPOSIT:Not to exceed one-twelfth (1/12) of the annual estimated charge for residential service or one-sixth (1/6) of the estimated charge for commercial service (or $50.00), whichever is greater.
WATER LEAK ADJUSTMENT RATE: $1.29 per 1,000 gallonsWhen a water bill reflects unusual consumption, which can be attributed to, and documented as, an eligible leak on the customer’s side of the meter, the leak adjustment rate will apply. This rate shall be applied to all consumption for one billing cycle that is above the customer’s historical six-month average.
SEWER LEAK ADJUSTMENT RATE: $2.50 per 1,000 gallonsWhen a water bill reflects unusual consumption, which can be attributed to, and documented as, an eligible leak on the customer’s side of the meter, the leak adjustment rate will apply. This rate shall be applied to all consumption for one billing cycle that is above the customer’s historical twelve-month average, per PSC Rules.

Water, Sewer, and Billing
Open and close water service at customer’s request during working hours: $15.00
Open water service at customer’s request (outside of working hours): $25.00
Perform meter accuracy test at customer’s request: $35.00
Other services at the request of the customer for his benefit: Charges will be made for time and materials used, with a minimum charge of $15.00.