
Utilities – Town of Beverly, WV
For After Hours Emergency – Call 911
The utility services offered by the Town of Beverly are provided to promote the quality of life and prosperity of our residents. The safety and health of our customers is our primary objective. The Beverly Water Department and Beverly Sewer Department work to ensure that we are meeting our obligations under all applicable state and federal regulations.

Water Service
Quality water service is available for all residents within the territory served by the Town of Beverly, WV. Our water is sourced from the Tygart Valley River. The Beverly Water Department directly serves 1,074 customers and a population of approximately 2,685 people within the service area. We are dedicated to providing water at a reasonable cost and with a responsible approach to the environment. Every day, we accept and treat ~250,000-300,000 gallons of water at the Beverly Treatment Plant, with a storage capacity of 750,000 gallons.
In coordination with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and the West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, the Beverly Water Department Protection Team works to keep our water supply safe and sustainable.
Beverly Water Department
86 Livingston Avenue
Beverly, WV 26253
Jeremy White, Chief Water Operator
Sewer Service
The Town of Beverly provides sanitary sewer service to residential and commercial customers throughout our service territory. Our goal is to ensure the integrity of our wastewater collection, transport, and treatment systems. By treating wastewater prior to discharge into the environment, we are working to safeguard public health and help prevent the spread of disease.
Beverly Sewer Department
52 Chelsea Megan Road
Beverly, WV 26253
Jarrod Phillips, Chief Sewer Operator